Testimonials - Woodwork & DIY
...the immediate improvement was amazing.
I have been plagued with dry skin and a cracking palm on my left hand for the past 30 years. Attempting to do any woodwork or DIY has always resulted in painful splitting and open wounds. Having tried every cream and or medication over the years to no avail.
However, after being bought a jar of your Beeswax Barrier Cream at a country show, the immediate improvement was amazing. I have been using the cream for a month now and my hand is smooth with no cracked or rough skin.
I would not have believed it could have healed so quickly and so completely.
This cream is truly amazing and very economical, as you only need to use a small amount to get results.
A woodworker gets more splinters... A small price to pay!
I saw your product at Santa Pod last November, and at the time I thought I’ll give this product the benefit of the doubt and tried the sample, and within minutes I could feel the difference, no dry hands and stiff skin on them. So I thought I would try the promo set of 4 oz, 2 oz and 1/4oz. Having had confidence from the sample, the product works better than it says on the tin. I suffer from cheiropompholyx and the foot and hand cream works really well. It not only keeps top side of the condition, but makes the hands fully useable again without cracking and blistering. BUT the downside is that working with wood all day, I now get more splinters ( ! )
A small price to pay. However, it also protects your hands from oils, grease etc, and any dirt that accumulates, is very easily washed off, keeping the working days grime OUT of your sensitive skin. Overall, 10 out of 10. Just ordered some more.
Thanks Andy P Boston, Lincs
Hi Richard,
Please fell free to use the testimonial wherever you like, the product is excellent and deserves a write up. Not only for yourselves but for other people with a similar condition. It was pure chance we saw you at Santa Pod and have not looked back since.
As a matter of interest, if I don’t use the product for a day or so and get oil, grease and wood resin impregnated into the skin, then the problem returns within days. So it also serves as a preventative measure.